The one who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming soon' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

Revelation 22:20
CUMC History
"Remembering the past. Embracing the present. Looking toward the future."
Commonwealth United Methodist Church has a rich tradition as a community church to the Commonwealth-Morningside area. It was first organized in 1946 and Robert H. Stamey was appointed as its first pastor. The church met first in a tent with 17 persons present. That tent was destroyed by a storm in October of 1946 and the congregation met in Midwood School until its first building – now known as the Lands Building – was erected in November of 1946.
In 1947, construction began on the first floor of our main church building to provide classrooms. This was completed in 1950. Two years later construction of the sanctuary began with the first service being held in 1951. The Grigg Building, our current Fellowship Hall, was completed in 1957.
In the 50’s Commonwealth was known for its school – a nursery, play school, and kindergarten-3rd grade. Many of our members and children in the community attended this school. It was regarded as one of the best schools in the city.
Commonwealth continues to be a vital and faithful United Methodist Church. We rejoice and give thanks to God for the vision and dedication of those who brought this church into being. We thank God for the loyalty and devotion of those who have served and continue to serve God through this church. We look forward with hope to the years ahead as we strive to be God’s people in this time and this place.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18: 20)

2434 Commonwealth Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28205
More About Us
Our Past Ministers
Janice M. Rose, Organist/Choir Director
Pilar Perez, Minister

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